Welcome to the fourth post in this series about REST in SharePoint 2013. In the previous posts I wrote about how to interact with SharePoint lists, but now it’s time to look in to how to retrieve information from an external source with help of JSON. There’s a lot of web services with APIs that provides JSON like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, bing maps, Netflix. Yahoo weather and many many more. In this post I’ll show you an easy example of how to get information from Flickr, as you may know a popular photo-sharing site that has been around for years and has now 5 billions of photos. And yes, this will work the same no matter if it’s SharePoint Online (public or internal) or SharePoint Onprem.

Please read the previous posts in this series before you go on to this post:

Bring Flickr photos to SharePoint using JSON and jQuery

The following code will give you a quick start to read the latest 3 images from my account at Flickr. You’ll see my id ‘69239123@N08’, please change this with you own ID. To find your ID, go to this page: http://idgettr.com/. You can add the following script into a content editor web part or use SharePoint Designer and it into a page. If you only want to display the latest image, change 4 to 0 in the return false. Don’t forget to reference to latest jquery as well.

Before you start scripting, take a look at the documentation at Flickr API here

$.each(data.items, function(i,item){
	$("<img />").attr("src", item.media.m).appendTo("#images")
		.wrap("<a href='" + item.link + "'></a>");
		if ( i == 4 ) return false;

<div id="images"></div>


Extended version

Ok, the following script is similar to the one above but have some styling and is more template based, prepared to extend with your own HTML, for example if you would like to create an image slider out of the images. You’ll also have some settings like tags i the code.

.thumbs li {list-style: none; float: left; margin: 5px; padding: 3px; background: #eee; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #444; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000}
.thumbs li a {}
.thumbs li img { display: block; height: 350px}
.thumbs li a img { border: none}
#flickrRdescription{font-size: small;display:block;text-align:center}

<div id="flicRUserID">69239123@N08</div>
<div id="flickRcontainer">
<ul id="custom" class="thumbs"></ul>

(function($) {
	$.fn.jflickrfeed = function(settings, callback) {
		settings = $.extend(true, {
			flickrbase: 'https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/',
			feedapi: 'photos_public.gne',
			qstrings: {
			    //tags: "SharePoint",
				format: 'json',
				jsoncallback: '?'
			cleanDescription: true,
			useTemplate: true,
			itemTemplate: '',
			itemCallback: function(){}
		}, settings);

		var url = settings.flickrbase + settings.feedapi + '?';
		var first = true;

		for(var key in settings.qstrings){
				url += '&amp;';
			url += key + '=' + settings.qstrings[key];
			first = false;

		return $(this).each(function(){
			var $flickRcontainer = $(this);
			var flickRcontainer = this;
			$.getJSON(url, function(data){
				$.each(data.items, function(i,item){
					if(i &lt; settings.limit){
						// Add Image Sizes
						// http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.urls.html
						item[&#039;image_s&#039;] = item.media.m.replace(&#039;_m&#039;, &#039;_s&#039;);
						item[&#039;image_t&#039;] = item.media.m.replace(&#039;_m&#039;, &#039;_t&#039;);
						item[&#039;image_m&#039;] = item.media.m.replace(&#039;_m&#039;, &#039;_m&#039;);
						item[&#039;image&#039;] = item.media.m.replace(&#039;_m&#039;, &#039;&#039;);
						item[&#039;image_b&#039;] = item.media.m.replace(&#039;_m&#039;, &#039;_b&#039;);
						delete item.media;
						// Template
							var template = settings.itemTemplate;
							for(var key in item){
								var rgx = new RegExp(&#039;{{&#039; + key + &#039;}}&#039;, &#039;g&#039;);
								template = template.replace(rgx, item[key]);

						settings.itemCallback.call(flickRcontainer, item);
					callback.call(flickRcontainer, data);

var flickRuser = $(&quot;#flicRUserID&quot;).html();
		limit: 1,
		qstrings: {
			id: flickRuser
		itemTemplate: &#039;
		'<a href="{{image}}" title="{{title}}">' +
		'<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{title}}" />' +
		'</a>' +
		'<span id="flickrRheader">{{title}}</span>' +

If you like to have this packed as an app, you can dynamic handle the parameters like user ID and number of photos into the settings of the APP. I have a VS2013 project you can download and modify here.


In the next post I’ll show you how to create a current weather app with REST and JSON, with help from developer.io weather service. Stay in tune!